b'Hole by HoleGuideHole 11Panterris Hole 15The PoplarsShort par 4 will have the big hitters tempted, however a good teeWhen hitting your approach to the green try and keep the ball shot down the middle will leave a simple pitch to the green. below the hole. Any putts down this green will be lighting fast.Hole 12The Long Drive Hole 16Great OaksAfter a friendly tee shot the hole gets tough, try to avoid the hugeThe approach shot is most important a wrong club selection will oak trees with your second shot. When hitting to the green be sureleave you with a huge putt.to miss the bunkers on either side of the green.Hole 13The Lake Hole 17The ParkGreat par 3, my favourite hole on the course. Easy to say, but, tryA testing par 5. Be careful with your approach to the green, and hit the middle of the green and two putt, miss the green andhowever favour the left side as the natural contours will help the its a tough pitch or bunker shot no matter where you are. ball find the putting surface.Hole 14Bowling Green Hole 18The KingA smart tee shot would leave 130-150 yards to the green. A teeWith a fantastic view of the mansion you are faced with a tough shot going too far will leave a tricky pitch to an elevated green. finishing hole. Make sure you have enough club to make the long carry over water and avoid the large green side bunker. Walking off this green with a par 3 should make you very happy indeed.7'