b'You will be astounded to see how many great courses Harry Colt had a hand in designing or re designing.The course remained relatively unchanged until June 1939 when the Glamorgan County Council started to widen the the cart track and in doing so encroached on land the club leased, objections were made but with the outbreak of war the objections were withdrawn. Be warned - a landmine was discovered on the 13th fairway in October 1996 whilst vertidraining was taking place, the device was casually thrown into the back of the cushman being used by Paul our then head greenkeeper. Later having been informed of the potential danger of the device it was subject of a controlled explosion - the device that is and not Paul.In 2010 one of our most erstwhile members Mr. Colin Wood was tasked to go through old paperwork and to everyones astonishment he recovered documents going back to 1924, more importantly he recovered the original letter from Mackenzie Ross to the golf club. Below is an exact excerpt from the original letter. Here you have a golfing PARADISE. If I were to set forth all that I thought of this new ground I might be accused of gross exaggeration. I will be content therefore to state that I have played on and studied nearly all the famous courses and links in Britain and Ireland and the Continent, as well as many in America and Canada, and I have seen no finer golfing country.Mackenzie Ross Golf Course Architect.36 Murrayfield Avenue, Edinburgh, Scotland.5th July 1946.6'