b'Lessons and Practice FacilitiesOur talented team of Professionals are committed toThe Swing Studioenabling our members and visitors to play golf to the best of their ability The Studio has been built as a result of 3 years effort from a core group of club members and is part of our Whether you are a normally talented player who needsMore Golf More Often project.a quick swingx before a competition, an inconsistent player in search of a more repeatable technique or aThe project was in two phases with phase 1 the new beginner wanting to learn some sound fundamentals, webuild Swing Studio and phase 2 the redevelopment of are here seven days a week the practice ground area, with enhanced drainage anda short 3 hole academy course.We offer numerous lesson options and packages to suit your game and your budget. Hour-long and 45-minuteThe Swing Studio contains technology to allow golf to lessons are available with discounts applicable if a blockbe played indoors via a GC2 HMT simulator system. of three and six Lessons are booked at one time It is a fantastic facility that allows members individual use for practice on the indoor driving range or playing Any part of your golf game can be worked on and holes with friends on the courses purchased.improved and we also offer a video analysis lesson using the latest GASP software and GC2 with HMT launch monitor, where you can see your swing and compare it against some of the leading professionals. It can help you visualise more easily the moves needed to achieve a successful golf swingWe promise not just short termxes but lasting, continuous improvement that will help you achieve your goals and beyond. \x1b'