b'Becoming a MemberThe Membership year runs fromApril to March with new members being charged a pro rata rate if they join later in the yearWe also offer from time to time incentives for those wishing to get into golf, these are normally linked to initiatives put forward by the club and our PGAProfessionals.If you are interested in joining Bedale GC or have any We would be delighted to talk to you about becoming aqueries relating to membership or the membership member at Bedale Golf Club. You willnd our annualapplication process, please contact the Club Secretary subscription to be one of the most competitive in theon 01677 422451 North of England or by e-mail secretary@bedalegolfclub.comWe are a members club, run by the members for the members. Seven-day membership is currently available in Adult Male and Female, Juniors and Social categories.A full membership allows access to the course seven days a week, to acquire an of cial gol ng handicap recognised by the English Golf Union and the opportunity to play in our many club competitions, be it against other members or representing Bedale against other clubs.The club welcomes applications for membership by introductionfromexisting members or by writing directly to the Club Secretary.\x19\x18'